We service every imaginable industry but our "bread n butter" work is expedited air freight SFO / OAK / SJC.
In addition, we also transport materials for the following industries including Telecom, High Tech, Military, Life Sciences, Medical, Retail, eCommerce, Entertainment, and Tradeshows.
P.C. Express is a Customs Bonded Carrier, TSA / STA / TWIC / Screened Air Cargo compliant,
and we are DG / HazMat ready for 1-1,000lbs (non-placard).
Our LTL freight delivery services will ensure that your materials will get to where it needs to be right away, no sweeps, A to B, non stop.
We service the following:
Whether your load is palletized or loose freight we offer the right logistics service for you. We utilize the most efficient resource possible to ensure that you maximize the utilization of your resources.
P.C. Express also utilizes specialty vehicles like Low Boys and Flat Bed Trucks for oversized equipment.
P.C. Express Delivery, Inc. is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, but our services extend 500 Miles from Hayward, California 94545.
We are Silicon Valley transportation professionals. We offer carrier and trucking services to both high tech, telecom, and other industries.
Telecom Delivery Includes Cell Tower Materials, RRUs, Batteries, Cables, Racks, and More
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